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How to Multi-channel Prospecting in Outbound Sales-2024

Multi-channel prospecting

You might excel at engaging prospects through cold calls or see promising results with cold emails. Perhaps LinkedIn is your go-to for connecting with ideal prospects. Yet, as the quarter ends, you notice other SDRs booking more meetings despite your efforts.

What went wrong?

It’s the reliance on a single channel. In today’s competitive selling environment, depending solely on phone, email, or social media is no longer viable. Your buyers are spread across multiple channels, and to reach them effectively, you need to be too. By combining various channels, you can engage prospects better and book more meetings. This guide explores multi-channel prospecting, its benefits, and how to develop a winning strategy.

What is multi-channel prospecting?

Multi-channel prospecting is a holistic approach that combines various channels and tactics to connect with potential customers throughout their buyer’s journey. It recognizes that prospects have diverse preferences, behaviours, and touchpoints, necessitating a comprehensive and coordinated outreach strategy.

In the traditional sense, prospecting was often confined to a single channel, such as cold calling or email outreach. However, the modern buyer’s journey has become increasingly complex, with prospects consuming information from various sources and engaging across multiple platforms. Multi-channel prospecting acknowledges this reality and equips sales teams with the tools to reach prospects where they are most active and receptive.

By utilizing a combination of channels, including email, social media, targeted advertising, content marketing, and more, businesses can increase their chances of capturing prospects’ attention and fostering meaningful connections. It’s like having a team of skilled ambassadors, each speaking the language of a different channel, working together to deliver a cohesive and compelling message.

Single vs Multi-channel Prospecting

Single-channel prospecting, where efforts are concentrated on just one method such as cold calling, email, or LinkedIn, may seem effective if you’re proficient in that channel. For example, you might have impressive email open rates or strong connections on LinkedIn. However, focusing solely on one channel can limit your reach and engagement potential.

Consider a scenario where you’re heavily reliant on cold emails. Despite getting good open rates, the lack of follow-up through other channels might cause you to miss out on prospects who prefer different modes of communication. Alternatively, if you’re primarily using LinkedIn, you might overlook prospects who are more responsive to phone calls or emails.

On the other hand, multi-channel prospecting involves using a combination of platforms—such as emails, phone calls, social media, and more—to reach and engage potential customers. This approach acknowledges that today’s buyers are diverse in their communication preferences. By spreading your efforts across multiple channels, you not only increase your visibility but also enhance your chances of engaging with prospects in the manner they prefer.

The competitive landscape of B2B sales means that a single-channel strategy is often insufficient. Prospects are active on various platforms, and to effectively capture their attention and interest, you need to meet them where they are. Multi-channel prospecting allows for a more personalized and comprehensive approach, ultimately leading to higher engagement and more booked meetings. This shift from a single-channel to a multi-channel strategy is not just a trend but a necessity for sustained success in today’s market.

Multi-channel prospecting vs multi-touch prospecting

While multi-channel prospecting focuses on using various platforms to reach prospects, multi-touch prospecting emphasizes the number of interactions (touchpoints) with a prospect, regardless of the channel used. Combining both strategies can create a robust approach, ensuring consistent and persistent engagement.

Benefits of Multi-Channel Prospecting

Implementing a multi-channel prospecting strategy offers several advantages for businesses. Let’s explore some of the key benefits:

1. Increased Reach

By utilizing multiple channels, you can significantly expand your reach. Different prospects prefer different communication methods. According to a study by Salesforce, 72% of consumers prefer to engage with businesses across multiple channels. This means that sticking to just one channel might cause you to miss out on a substantial portion of your potential audience.

2. Enhanced Engagement

Engaging prospects through their preferred channels can lead to higher response rates. For example, some prospects might respond better to emails, while others might be more responsive on LinkedIn or through direct phone calls. A HubSpot study found that sales reps using multiple touchpoints see a 9.5% increase in engagement rates compared to those using a single touchpoint.

3. Improved Conversion Rates

With more touchpoints and channels, prospects are more likely to move through the sales funnel. Research by Aberdeen Group indicates that companies with strong multi-channel engagement strategies retain 89% of their customers, compared to 33% for companies with weak strategies. The diverse touchpoints help in nurturing leads more effectively and converting them into customers.

4. Better Data Insights

Using various channels provides a wealth of data that can be analyzed to refine your prospecting strategy. Each channel offers different metrics and insights, helping you understand what works best. For instance, email open rates, social media interactions, and call response rates can all provide valuable information. According to McKinsey, data-driven organizations are 23 times more likely to acquire customers and 19 times more likely to be profitable.

5. Greater Flexibility

Multi-channel prospecting offers the flexibility to adapt your strategy based on what’s working and what’s not. If emails are not yielding the desired results, you can shift focus to social media or phone calls. This adaptability ensures that you can continuously optimize your approach for better results.

6. Reduced Risk of Over-Reliance

Relying on a single channel can be risky if that channel experiences a decline in effectiveness. By diversifying your prospecting efforts, you mitigate the risk associated with changes in any one channel. For example, changes in email filtering algorithms or social media platform policies can impact your outreach, but with a multi-channel approach, you have other avenues to fall back on.

Developing a Multi-Channel Prospecting Strategy

Creating a multi-channel prospecting strategy can seem daunting, but breaking it down into manageable steps can make the process both effective and engaging. Here’s a straightforward approach to help you develop a strategy that resonates with your prospects.

Step 1: Identify Your Target Audience

Understanding who your ideal customers are is the foundation of any successful prospecting strategy. Develop detailed buyer personas that include demographics, job roles, pain points, goals, and preferred communication channels. This helps you tailor your approach to meet their specific needs.

Example: If you’re selling a project management tool, your target audience might include project managers, team leads, and executives who oversee large teams. Knowing that they value efficiency and productivity will help you craft messages that speak directly to these concerns.

Step 2: Choose the Right Channels

Identify which channels your prospects are most active on. This might include email, LinkedIn, Twitter, phone calls, or even SMS. Using multiple channels ensures you can reach your prospects wherever they are most comfortable.

Example: If your research shows that project managers are highly active on LinkedIn and responsive to emails, focus your efforts on these two channels. However, don’t neglect other potential touchpoints that might become relevant over time.

Step 3: Craft a Unified Message

Your messaging should be consistent across all channels but also tailored to fit the unique context of each platform. Develop a core message that highlights your value proposition and adjust it to suit the format and audience expectations of each channel.

Example: An email might detail how your tool saves time and increases productivity with specific features, while a LinkedIn message could share a success story from a satisfied customer, and a tweet might offer a quick tip or benefit.

Step 4: Create a Content Calendar

Plan your outreach activities with a content calendar. This helps ensure regular, coordinated contact with your prospects. Schedule emails, social media posts, follow-up calls, and other interactions to maintain consistent engagement.

Example: Your content calendar could include a weekly schedule like this:

Step 5: Personalize Your Outreach

Personalization is key to making your prospects feel valued and understood. Use the data you’ve gathered about your audience to tailor your messages. Mention specific challenges they face or refer to previous interactions to show that you’ve done your homework.

Example: Instead of a generic email, send a personalized message like, “Hi [Name], I noticed your team recently expanded. Our tool can help streamline your project management processes during this growth phase.”

Step 6: Leverage Technology and Tools

Utilize CRM systems, email marketing platforms, social media management tools, and analytics software to streamline your efforts. These tools can help automate repetitive tasks, track interactions, and provide insights into what’s working and what’s not.

Example: Tools like Intandemly can help you manage your multi-channel campaigns, track engagement, and analyze performance data to refine your strategy.

Step 7: Test and Optimize

Continuously monitor the performance of your multi-channel prospecting efforts. Use A/B testing to see which messages, channels, and timings yield the best results. Be prepared to adjust your strategy based on what the data tells you.

Example: If you notice higher engagement rates on LinkedIn compared to email, consider shifting more of your efforts to LinkedIn while still maintaining a presence on email.

How to set up multi-channel sequences?

Creating a multi-channel prospecting strategy can transform your prospecting efforts from sporadic attempts into a cohesive strategy. Here’s how to get started:

Step 1: Map Out the Customer Journey

Begin by understanding the typical journey your prospects take from awareness to decision-making. Identify the key stages and what information or touchpoints they need at each stage.

Example: If your prospect’s journey starts with discovering a need, moves to researching solutions, and ends with selecting a vendor, your sequence should align with these stages.

Step 2: Choose Your Channels

Select the channels that best reach your target audience. Common channels include email, phone calls, LinkedIn, social media ads, and even direct mail.

Example: You might start with an introductory email, follow up with a LinkedIn connection request, and then make a phone call.

Step 3: Define the Sequence Steps

Outline each step in your sequence, specifying the channel, message content, and timing. Aim for a balanced mix of touchpoints that maintain engagement without overwhelming the prospect.

Refer to the image for an effective sequence example:

Example Sequence:

  1. Day 1-2:
    • Email
    • LinkedIn Request
    • Cold Call
    • Email
  2. Day 5-8:
    • Call
    • Automated Email
    • Email
  3. Day 11-14:
    • Call
    • Video Note
    • LinkedIn InMail
  4. Day 17-25:
    • Email
    • Email
    • Email
    • Disposition

Step 4: Personalize Your Outreach

Ensure each touchpoint is personalized. Use the prospect’s name, reference their company, and mention specific challenges they might face.

Example: Instead of a generic email, send, “Hi [Name], I noticed your company recently expanded. Our project management tool can help streamline your operations during this growth phase.”

Step 5: Automate Where Possible

Use tools like Mixmax, Outreach, or SalesLoft to automate your sequences. Automation helps maintain consistency and frees up time for more strategic tasks.

Example: Set up your email sequences in Mixmax, schedule LinkedIn messages, and automate follow-up reminders.

Step 6: Test and Refine

Regularly test different elements of your sequence, such as message content, timing, and channel mix. Use A/B testing to see what works best and make data-driven adjustments.

Example: Test two different email subject lines to see which one gets more opens and adjust future emails accordingly.

Step 4: Solicit Feedback

Get feedback from your sales team and even from prospects when possible. Understanding their perspectives can provide valuable insights that data alone might not reveal.

Example: Ask your sales reps which messages they find most effective and why, then incorporate their insights into your sequences.

Quick Tips and Best Practices for Multi-Channel Prospecting

1. Stay Consistent and Persistent

Consistent and persistent outreach is key. Balance persistence with respect for your prospect’s time.

Example: Follow up regularly but space out your touchpoints to avoid overwhelming your prospects.

2. Personalize Every Interaction

Personalization increases engagement. Use the information you have about your prospect to tailor each message.

Example: Mention specific challenges their company is facing and how your solution can help address them.

3. Use Data to Inform Decisions

Continuously analyze your data to see what’s working and adjust your approach accordingly.

Example: If data shows that your LinkedIn messages have a higher response rate than emails, focus more effort on LinkedIn.

4. Integrate Your Channels

Ensure your channels work together seamlessly. Each touchpoint should build on the last to create a cohesive narrative.

Example: Reference a previous email in your LinkedIn message or follow up a phone call with an email summarizing the conversation.

5. Be Human

Prospects respond better to genuine, human interactions. Avoid overly scripted messages and be authentic.

Example: Use a friendly, conversational tone in your messages and show genuine interest in solving their problems.


Developing a multi-channel prospecting strategy involves thoughtful planning, consistent execution, and continuous refinement. You can create a dynamic and effective approach by mapping out the customer journey, selecting the right channels, personalizing your outreach, and leveraging technology. Monitoring performance and adhering to best practices ensures your strategy remains effective and engaging. Ultimately, the key to successful prospecting lies in meeting your prospects where they are and engaging them in meaningful and relevant ways to their needs. Embrace the power of multi-channel prospecting to boost your sales efforts and achieve lasting success in the B2B SaaS market.

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